Bonding and finishing
After both blade half-shells have been shaped by vacuum infusion, they are glued together to form the finished rotor blade. For years, the TARTLER systems of the established Nodopox series, designed for the processing and application of highly viscous, paste-like plastics, have been widely used in the industry. For some time now, new standards have been set here by a Nodopox variant equipped with the integrated vacuum-assisted drum changing system TAVA D for waste reduction and a swiveling mixing head boom with a 5-metre radius (optional). This plant is also equipped with a Siemens PLC with touch screen and a volume flow control. It can work with different TARTLER mixing heads and dispenses up to 20 kilograms of adhesive per minute.
Another typical TARTLER “gluing system” is the Nodopox, whose equipment is adapted to so-called lightning and insert applications in rotor blade production. Udo Tartler explains: “Adhesives are used that have to be metered, mixed and applied in smaller quantities – for example, for fastening lightning conductors or inserting inserts for screw mounting complete blades. These systems are operated both manually and in combination with robots and handling units. Finally, when it comes to filling and smoothing the adhesive edges, it is once again the Tardosil mentioned above that allows the putty used for this purpose to be precisely and quickly dosed, mixed and applied. In this case, too, TARTLER offers its customers numerous options for application-specific adaptation. The large assortment of modules offers a lot of freedom for optimal, application-specific customization of the systems.
Individual fine tuning
Since TARTLER is able to adapt all systems very precisely to the specific requirements and on-site situation of the customer, they fit seamlessly into the customer’s production environment as tailor-made system solutions. They are often an important performance factor in the increasingly automated processes of modern rotor blade production lines. “Since we provide manufacturers with several innovative interface solutions at the same time with our vacuum-assisted drum changing system TAVA D and the vacuum filling station TAVA F as well as the liquid resin evacuation system T-EVAC in the offline and inline variants, we open up many additional possibilities for process optimization and increased efficiency in the processing and application of synthetic resins,” says Udo Tartler.