A Cornucopia of Innovative Solutions
9. September 2020
Wer flüssige Kunstharze in dünnen Schichten bahnförmig applizieren will, findet im Zubehörprogramm von TARTLER spezielle Breitstrahldüsen in verschiedenen Varianten. The [...]
19. March 2019
This movie shows 3 possible versions of the drum change at TARTLER’S metering and mixing systems. 1. Standard drum change: most common version 2. Vacuum assisted drum change: established in the market (patented by TARTLER) 3. Vacuum drum change – guaranteed air-free: brand new (patented by TARTLER) Learn more about the differences, how they work and their advantages and disadvantages. Please contact our sales team to discuss any questions: https://www.tartler.com/en/technical-…
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